Sunday, February 24, 2008


I'm still waiting for my (long ago ordered) copy of Amelie to come in. It's been a couple of years since I've seen it and I want the story to be a little fresher in my mind before I dive headlong into a discussion. So, that does two things...

It gives anyone who might be inclined to comment on films previously discussed more time to do so. And I'm sure there are multitudes just waiting for that news! (yeah, that was a joke). There is, by the way, no timeline for these discussions. I am thrilled to chat about any film at any point, regardless of how much has already been said about it. The addition of another movie doesn't have to mean that the discussion of the previous one is closed!

The second thing that this little intermission provides is an opportunity to interject another movie lover's objective commentary on the legendary classic...Star Wars. I really enjoyed this...I hope you will too!

Star Wars according to a 3 year old


Anonymous said...

Hi Kimberlee!
This clip was adorable! I loved hearing about the Shiny Guy and Obi Kenobi. It's funny that she picked up on C3PO's worrisome nature. Kids notice So much about the things and people around them (and pick them up, good Or bad!). Thanks for sharing this during Intermission. I'm headed for some popcorn!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Laurie. I'm so glad you liked the little video. I thought it was precious too. It's SO FUNNY that she thinks Luke will buy the Shiny Guy and C3PO at a garage sale...or something like it. She's pretty sharp for three! I read the description that her father (the videographer) wrote. He said that she only saw the movie ONE TIME! Amazing!

Jo said...

That was too sweet for words! I have the flu and needed a good laugh. I can't tell you how much I'd love to curl up on a couch, with some pop corn and tea and watch "Amelie" with you! I've never seen the movie but am going to seek it out and report back to you! lol ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jo! I am so sorry to hear that you are sick. I do hope you'll be on the mend soon. I'm glad that you enjoyed the clip. Even if you're not a Star Wars fan, I think the innocent humor translates pretty well.

Amelie would certainly be a picker-uppper. :) It's a lighthearted film with lots of quirky charm. I hope you get to see it; I'd love to hear what you think! Take care and heal quickly!

Jackie said...

Sooo cute. I've never watched any of the Star Wars movies all the way through, but the character names are all so well known...what a perspective she has.

I'm writing down the name of the movies you've mentioned with hopes to get them soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jackie! I'm so glad you had a chance to stop by! I really enjoyed the little video. That little girl reminds me of those cute kids on Welch's Grape Juice commercials. :) I hope you do have a chance to view some movies and comment. Has Tim seen Antwone Fisher? Did we already have this conversation? :)

Jackie said...

Yes, we have talked about (emailed about) Antwone Fisher and whether Tim would like it - I haven't ever remembered to ask him, but I'm going to give him my movie list to take to town with him tomorrow - so MAYBE I'll be able to tell you something soon.